The 2025 People’s World Fund Drive has begun!

We aim to raise $200,000 and are calling on our generous, committed readers and supporters to help us achieve our goal and donate today!

We must achieve our goal. Here’s why.

The mainstream corporate media is in crisis; it is unable (or unwilling) to take a stand against the unfolding fascist Trump/Musk coup. It seems adrift in the constitutional and democratic crisis confronting the country.

This crisis facing the corporate media is many-sided.

The growth of a vast right-wing media-propaganda network funded by fascist billionaires has misled and confused millions by spreading disinformation, creating information silos, and guiding public discourse with lies, racism, misogyny, and xenophobia.

Simultaneously, a handful of oligarchs now monopolizes and controls most of the legacy media while Wall Street hedge funds devastate many iconic local newspapers.

Moreover, corporate media is capitulating to Trump or overtly aligning with the administration’s authoritarian agenda out of fear of repercussions. It even goes so far as to pay tens of millions in protection fees. In return, the mainstream media normalizes the fascist threat, and Trump’s racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and corruption, or neglects to cover these critical issues.

The attack on press freedom is straight from the fascist playbook. It uses state power to coerce the mass media into compliance, suppress independent voices, spread mass propaganda, and install right-wing media as state media and the source of “official news.”

These developments threaten constitutional democracy, including First Amendment rights. An independent and free media is a vital pillar in any democratic society, whether bourgeois or socialist.

It is part of intensifying information warfare, or the “battle of ideas,” which is essential to the class and democratic struggle.

Defending the existence of a free press while championing an independent, pro-labor, pro-democracy, and anti-corporate media is vital for establishing a united front majoritarian alliance against fascism.

The legacy of mainstream corporate media cannot be relied upon for this task. The pro-democracy alliance must establish an independent media ecosystem as part of the broad anti-MAGA popular front alliance of organized labor, the wider left, and mass democratic movements.

People’s World is essential to this effort. Our mission is to report on and amplify the growing resistance nationally and at the grassroots, expose the ongoing Trump/Musk coup, and provide a radical democratic alternative in economics, politics, and foreign policy.

At the same time, we plan to modernize as a multimedia platform that includes print, podcasts, videos, and audio articles. We need to expand and enhance our coverage while deepening our Marxist analysis. We must grow as a strong alternative media voice that connects with new audiences, including those disillusioned, alienated, or influenced by the right-wing media ecosystem.

Therefore, we must meet our $200,000 goal! Please donate $10, $20, $50, or $100 today! Or become a monthly sustainer!

In 2024, we raised approximately $180,000 during very challenging circumstances. We want to express our deepest gratitude to you, dear readers, for your generous donations and monthly sustainers that made this possible

Despite the ongoing economic and political uncertainties, we can reach our goal this year and do some heavy lifting by raising $140,000 by May Day.

Members of the Communist Party USA National Committee supported the campaign by pledging over $12,000!

I’ll conclude with a shout-out to Eric Gordon, a staff writer and cultural critic for People’s World. Eric is a passionate fundraiser. He recently celebrated his 80th birthday by organizing a party that raised $5,000. Eric reached out to readers, friends, and family, garnering large and small donations.

Although the rest of us may not be able to do what Eric did, we can all do something to ensure the future of People’s World!

Let’s go!

John Bachtell

President, Long View Publishing Co., Inc

Publishers of People’s World


Special to People’s World
Special to People’s World

People’s World is a voice for progressive change and socialism in the United States. It provides news and analysis of, by, and for the labor and democratic movements to our readers across the country and around the world. People’s World traces its lineage to the Daily Worker newspaper, founded by communists, socialists, union members, and other activists in Chicago in 1924.